Our video based course takes you from idea to your first revenue. You can proceed at your own pace and each video is about one minute long. There's no need to sign up and you can get started right away.
You have to be incredibly resilient to build a company from idea to IPO. Almost everyone who has made it will tell you there were many times when their company almost shut down.
Large Geopolitical changes this week caused politics to enter many tech world discussions and the most obvious change has been in Europe. But is Europe now too weak to compete on its own?
When you get a term sheet from a VC, it’s usually a pretty happy moment after a lot of work. However, there’s often a few things in the first version of a VC’s term sheet that you might want to change.
Most founders feel that getting the highest possible valuation is the right goal for a fundraising round and that is mostly correct. However, there are some scenarios where taking a lower valuation may make sense.