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September 14, 2023

How One Investor Can Close Your Round

How One Investor Can Close Your Round

Today we’re talking about how just one investor can essentially fill up your entire round. Of course, they could simply write a check for the whole amount, but that’s quite rare and it’s actually advisable to have a few different investors, even if you have lots of demand.

So here’s how one investor can help you fill up the remainder of your round.

1. Ask them for suggestions.

As soon as the wire hits, and absolutely not before. Go straight back to your new investor and ask them for introductions to anyone else they think might be interested. Don’t hesitate here. We need to make use of this warm reference ASAP.

2. Go through their network.

Don’t rely solely on an investor’s memory for connections. Go through their social media friend lists with a fine tooth comb. Most investors are connected to dozens of other investors, for example, at Sterling Road, we often provide over 20 intros to founders in our portfolio.

3. Use their name.

Even after you have exhausted an investor’s network, you can still use their name with others. Startup investors tend to move as a herd, so mentioning the reputable people already involved can tip the scales in your favor.

Best of luck out there.

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Ash Rust

Ash Rust

Managing Partner, Sterling Road

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