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April 12, 2024

Pitch Practice with Digitile

Pitch Practice with Digitile



In our latest Pitch Practice session, Michelle Eichner from Digitile showcased their platform, highlighting some solid market traction.

Here were the key takeaways:

Takeaway #1 β€” Solid organization, initial traction, and distribution πŸ“Š
Takeaway #2 β€” Improve deck design 🎨
Takeaway #3 β€” Memorize your key points πŸ—£οΈ
Takeaway #4 β€” Separate projections from current revenue πŸ’Ή
Takeaway #5 β€” Simplify competition slide 🀼
Takeaway #6 β€” Exclude funding amount; it varies πŸ’Έ

Which takeaway did you find the most valuable?


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Ash Rust

Ash Rust

Managing Partner, Sterling Road

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